Page name: Lost Insanity [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-09-11 04:02:27
Last author: Mind Game
Owner: Mind Game
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Welcome To The World Of Lost Insanity

Your Welcome to take the banners and stuff ^_^ but you must add yourself to the members list first!

As you can guess this is a small little place where you can put your insane thoughts and what ever you want but please dont edit this page inless you talk or message the owners [Mind Game] she'll answer all questions ^_^
Links to Awsome Web pages of my friends that grasp the ideal thought os insanity through pics ^_^






[Mind Game]
[Synthetic Terror]

Just so all know... The page Lost Insanity members is where you can add your name to the list because the list was so big that I could not add additional things here so now you have more room to add more people

all members that had there name on the list please go to the site above and re add your name cuz Im a dumb ass and deleted without copying everyone and putting them in there thank you

[-ComE IntO - ThE DarknesS-]

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2009-01-27 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: You don't hate me.

2009-01-28 [Aliz]: I'm not pointy D:

2009-01-28 [kay-chan]: You... you hate me?

And Aliz... you're not pointy?


2009-01-28 [Flisky]: *pulls out duct tape and holds out to Kay* For your world.

2009-01-28 [Praise Adonai]: aww that's so sweet. duct tape makes everything better!

2009-01-28 [Aliz]: I thought chocolate made everything better D:
Why didn't anyone tell me sooner? T_____T

And no, I'm not pointy D: At least not as I know of O.o

2009-01-28 [Praise Adonai]: No one told you sooner because it's a well kept secret Shhhh >.> <.<

2009-01-28 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: True... hm... ::decides to proclaim the secret to the world::

When in doubt - DUCT IT!

[ missing </sanity> ]

2009-01-28 [Flisky]: I loves me some duct tape. Mwahaha. 

2009-01-29 [Aliz]: *eats ducttape* :D?

2009-01-29 [Flisky]: *stares* Um...I'm not sure...Well...*shrugs* Whatever.

2009-01-29 [Aliz]: It doesn't taste as good as chocolate D:

2009-01-29 [Flisky]: *pulls out chocolate syrup* Did someone say chocolate?

2009-01-29 [Aliz]: It's sticky T____T

2009-01-29 [Flisky]: Don't eat the tape. Eat the chocolate!

2009-01-29 [Aliz]: But... duct tape makes everything better D:

2009-01-29 [Flisky]: ...Yes. That's true. *shrugs again*

2009-01-29 [Aliz]: X________X

2009-01-29 [Flisky]: Soooo....are you dead yet?

2009-01-29 [kay-chan]: Duct it? ...*thinks* tear ducts? I've been... out of the loop...

2009-01-29 [Flisky]: You missed so much. Aliz is eating duct tape.

2009-01-29 [kay-chan]: GodDAMNit! I always miss the good stuff!

2009-01-29 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: BTW, there's cake where we started, you know...
It's made of chocolate and fruits...
And chocolate and milk...
And chocolate and chocolate... :)

2009-01-29 [Aliz]: EW D: chocolate and fruit D:

(Oh, and I resurrected myself! No harm done :D)

2009-01-29 [Flisky]: *stares at Jino* Do you have anything that doesn't have chocolate in it?

2009-01-29 [Aliz]: duct tape :D

2009-01-29 [kay-chan]: Chocolate-covered duct tape?

2009-01-30 [Aliz]: Why would you want that? D:

2009-01-30 [Flisky]: I am not eating duct tape. That's your shtick.

2009-01-30 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: I actually... Hm... Never mind... ::throws away a chocolate-coveret ducttape::

2009-02-01 [kay-chan]: That would be a horrible way to die. Duct-taped from the inside out.

2009-02-01 [Aliz]: Sure you'd die? O.o

2009-02-01 [Flisky]: *scratches head* But...didn't you die?

2009-02-01 [kay-chan]: Oh, I've already died, I'm sure. I'm just saying. It would be a bad way to go. And yes, Aliz. Ducttape causes fatality. ALWAYS.

2009-02-01 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Since when? ::opens his chest:: See? ::points at duct-taped heart:: SEE? Not fItally.

2009-02-01 [Flisky]: *shakes head* Yes, but are the exception to every rule.

2009-02-02 [Aliz]: It's not ducttape that causes fatalities... caramels do D:

2009-02-02 [kay-chan]: *pauses with mouth full of caramels* ...godDAMNit.

2009-02-02 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: NO! NO>NO>NO)>NO>NOOO!!!!
CARAMELS and the CARAMEL FLAVOUR and everything with caramel in it is the ONLY thing that could possibly ever be better than chocolate... When it comes to sweets.

2009-02-02 [Flisky]: Um...caramel is evil. So is chocolate. Just saying.

2009-02-02 [Aliz]: Caramel is evil D: It tastes good, but it gets stuck in your mouth T________T Specially if you combine it with chewing gum D:

2009-02-02 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: caramel is NOT, and I repeat


evil. It's just misunderstood.

2009-02-02 [Aliz]: Maybe you haven't met the right one yet >.>

2009-02-03 [Flisky]: You know what's good? Peanut butter fudge.

2009-02-03 [kay-chan]: Is this war of the candies? Cuz watching naked candy wrestle would be awesome. If candy could get naked.

2009-02-03 [Flisky]: Have you ever seen a Hershey Kiss? I unwrap them seductively. Heehee.

2009-02-03 [kay-chan]: For truth. Mmmmm. I always get a little aroused eating those things. Like little boobs. Very pointy boobs.

2009-02-03 [Flisky]: *starts daydreaming about chocolate kiss boobs*

2009-02-03 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::lights a bubblegum-cigarette::

2009-02-12 [Araglas]: *walks in eating bag of mini kisses*

2009-02-12 [Badluck]: *Tackles*

2009-02-12 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::laughs and continues to smoke::

2009-02-12 [Flisky]: *stares at everyone, then pulls out a bag of skittles*

2009-02-12 [kay-chan]: *steals some skittles and kisses*

2009-02-12 [Araglas]: *falls over* ACK!! My kisses!! *gets up and runs away with bag of kisses*

2009-02-12 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::turns into Shang Tsung and makes with the rainbow:: <<whisper>>SKITTLESS... ::tastes the rainbow::

2009-02-12 [Araglas]: Hey!! You mixed your skittles with my kisses!!!!

2009-02-13 [Flisky]: *hugs skittles close* You people get your own! *walks over to Jino* Nice rainbow.

2009-02-13 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: And it's yummy too. ::smiles, breaks off a little part and hands it to [Flisky]::

2009-02-13 [kay-chan]: *licks the rainbow* ...why does that sound so wrong?

2009-02-14 [Flisky]: *takes rainbow, then licks it* Mmmmm....rainbow....

2009-02-23 [kay-chan]: Awww, I was gone for a week and we all died?

2009-02-23 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Nope. I'm just...


Missing: </huge>

2009-02-23 [kay-chan]: Have any of us checked behind the couch?

2009-02-24 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: No. Why?

2009-02-24 [kay-chan]: Just saying. Sanity could be missing in the most obvious of places. I mean, that's where I found Jesus. He'd been there the whole time.

2009-02-24 [Aliz]: Behind the couch? O.o

2009-02-25 [Flisky]: Behind the couch is where I found my toothbrush once. I'm not sure why it was there. :P

2009-02-25 [kay-chan]: Gnomes.

2009-02-25 [Aliz]: EW D:

2009-02-25 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: What, AGAIN?
Are Gnomes always responsible for everything we misplace?

2009-02-25 [kay-chan]: I like to say so. Mostly because I HATE gnomes.

2009-02-25 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: gnomes are coooool

and like shapespear said "Ello m'dear i'm a playwriter you 'now, c'mon give us a snog"
and on this note i'm off

2009-02-26 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: One of my best friends is a gnome.
And as Eve said to Adam:"EAT! You saw I didn't kick the bucket!"

2009-02-26 [kay-chan]: Gnomes are plotting my destruction. Just mine.

And as I said earlier to a friend today, "I don't know where I am. It's a field, and it has sheep, and there are no lights. And some guy just rode past me on his bike whistling and catcalling. I dunno if it was at me or at the sheep. I'm so scared."

2009-02-27 [Aliz]: Don't worry. That's completely normal :D

2009-02-27 [Flisky]: *stares at the craziness*

2009-02-27 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Yes, we all get lost sometimes. :D

2009-02-27 [Aliz]: Only sometimes? D:

2009-02-27 [kay-chan]: Oh good, I was worried. (I'd get lost in a mirror.)

2009-02-27 [Flisky]: I keep forgetting where my house is...

2009-02-28 [kay-chan]: I can find my *own* house, which is maybe harder than it looks. Apparently my house is in a void. My friend, who could find the lost city of Atlantis with a compass and a piece of cheese, usually gets lost on the way to my house. Mwahaha.

2009-02-28 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Cute.

2009-03-03 [Flisky]: A black hole. I love it.

2009-03-03 [kay-chan]: Prime real estate property.

2009-03-04 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: *sits in corner* There's no place like there's no place like

2009-03-04 [Aliz]: Where's that? :D

2009-03-04 [kay-chan]: Keehee. I get jokes!

2009-03-04 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: that says much about you kay :p i like ^^

here's another there are 10 types of people in the world
those who understand bineary and those who don't

2009-03-04 [kay-chan]: Old meme, dude. :P

2009-03-04 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: i know shhhhht

2009-03-04 [kay-chan]: :3

2009-03-04 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: buh i'm bored and top gear isnt that interesting :p

2009-03-04 [Aliz]: I don't get jokes Dx *slow*
But I understood the bineary thing :D Even if I don't understand bineary Dx

2009-03-04 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: what you don't get jokes ? what don't you get ?

2009-03-04 [Aliz]: A lot Dx
I'm just really slow at getting jokes...
And I usually laugh (out loud) at stuff nobody else find funny -.-'

2009-03-04 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: you get the ?
and yeah i would laught to with stuff thats unfunny :p

2009-03-04 [Aliz]: No Dx I definately didn't get that one Dx

(well... unfunny... it doesn't even have to be anything- I have a very vivid imagination -.-' just about anything can make me burst out in laughter, specially if I'm hyper enough... people who don't know me too well probably thinks I'm constantly drunk xD)

2009-03-04 [Flisky]: ...You aren't?! (Sorry, it had to be said. ^_^ )

2009-03-04 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: the ip for the localhost (your own computer)

or they can think your stoned then you are laughing to :p

anyway theres another one :p guess what it is 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55

2009-03-04 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Strange... My localhost (or HOME) seemed blanc, empty and clean... I should go out even more.
Tell me I'm not the only 1 who got the joke... :(

2009-03-04 [Aliz]: That's fibonacci numbers >.>

2009-03-04 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: yay and what can you learn about these things i'm telling you

2009-03-04 [Aliz]: Learn?

2009-03-04 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: yeah learn about me

2009-03-04 [kay-chan]: That you are a nerd, good sir!

2009-03-04 [Aliz]: That you like numbers :3

2009-03-04 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ...?

2009-03-05 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: actualy that i'm bored sh*tless but yeah the nerd thing can aply to

2009-03-05 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: :P

2009-03-05 [Flisky]: But who doesn't harbor a nerd somewhere deep down?

2009-03-05 [Aliz]: ME :D

2009-03-05 [Flisky]: I'm sorry, but if you have ever watched and liked a Miyazaki movie, you classify as a nerd. ^_^

2009-03-05 [kay-chan]: Yeah, I keep a nerd in my basement too, Flisk! He fixes my computer.

2009-03-05 [Flisky]: Wish I had one who could fix my computer.

2009-03-05 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::sighs:: Does being able to recite the biographies, story and world background of your favourite game and all its characters count as nerdy? Talking Mortal Kombat here... ::hopes he's not a nerd::

2009-03-05 [Flisky]: Yep. You're a nerd. Sorry. :P

Look at the bright side, I've memorized thousands of movies, songs, books, etc. I've been a nerd for years now. And I love it. ^_^

2009-03-05 [Aliz]: Why do you classify as a nerd if you've watched and liked Miyazaki movie? O.o

2009-03-06 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: i haven't seen one of his films so then i'm not a nerd :D
i'm just interested in anime, cult movies, bad books, sci-fi, and numbers ow ow and bodymodification so i'm a slacker with 15% of nerdyness

2009-03-06 [Flisky]: Miyazaki is very...erm...what's the word for it...non-mainstream. I hadn't even heard of him until I joined ACOG. (Alma College Otaku and Gamers) AKA nerd-central.

2009-03-06 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: i had to google him :p 2 films i heard of but never got the interest to see then (i found always a better movie

2009-03-06 [kay-chan]: It's so deeeetailed. *hearts on Miyazaki* Of course, I still have those artistic tendencies. I heard he draws each blade of grass individually. *purrrrr*

2009-03-06 [Aliz]: Miyazaki is awesome :D *has like 12 Ghibli movies* XD

Hm O.o weird... I heard of him through some friends... and through my teacher xD
Guess I know cool people then XP

2009-03-06 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Howl?

2009-03-06 [Flisky]: *basks in the glory of having way too much time on her hands* Heehee.

2009-03-07 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: tekkon kinkreet now that is a wonderfull movie

2009-03-07 [Aliz]: meh... nothing beats Miyazaki xP
Spirited away!

2009-03-09 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: :p

2009-03-09 [Aliz]: And... Howl's moving castle!
And Mononoke hime!
And My neighbour Totoro! :D

2009-03-09 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: akira, ghost in the shell, vampire hunter D
afro samurai

2009-03-10 [Flisky]: *falls over* How many movies can we name?

2009-03-10 [kay-chan]: Howl's Moving Castle was awesome... and the book was even better. I wanna read the rest in the series now.

2009-03-10 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: How about we DON'T list all animes.

2009-03-10 [Flisky]: I second that.

2009-03-10 [kay-chan]: I second yo mama AND yo grandma. :P

I just got a year's supply of Rice Krispies in the mail. I am happy.

2009-03-11 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: yeah rice crispy's i love it when they pop when you pour milk on them ^^

and the news today;: tomorrow i have a job interview at a tattoo and piercing shop

2009-03-11 [Aliz]: Cool :3 good luck!

2009-03-12 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: GL;HF!!!

2009-03-12 [kay-chan]: Whoo! Will you sharpen my tat for free? And free piercings? Or a discount for me? :D

2009-03-13 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: yeah sure just come to belgium XD

2009-03-13 [Flisky]: Road trip! trip! Heehee.

2009-03-14 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: haha lol

2009-03-14 [kay-chan]: Dude, I'm in Scotland right now, it's not THAT far away. (Not as far as California is, in any case.) Don't tempt me. >.O

2009-03-15 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: i'm not even working there yet XD

2009-03-15 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: When do you start?

2009-03-15 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: i don't know they still need to make a second selection -_-

2009-03-15 [Flisky]: Well, when you get the job and I'm in your neighborhood, I'll totally stop by. ^_^

2009-03-16 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: now that would be interesting :p

2009-03-16 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Indeed.

2009-04-24 [The Dark Wolf]: I'M BAAAAAAAAAACK!

2009-04-25 [Aliz]: Woot!

2009-04-26 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: and btw i never got a responce -_-
i'm now solliciting at fish and chips (a alternative clothing shop) and the red cross :p

2009-04-27 [Aliz]: Aw DX

2009-04-28 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ...?

2009-04-29 [kay-chan]: Well... I'll go buy some alternative clothes. :P And Red Cross is good, so... bleah. Sorry 'bout the piercing/tat thing. D:

2009-04-29 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: yeah its shitty but meh :p
at least i still have some time to go out late XD

2009-05-02 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: I have no clue what you're talking about. :D

2009-05-03 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: well its about crossing unicorns with milkingcows :D

2009-05-03 [The Dark Wolf]: unicorns with milking cows.... <img:44166_1164145253.gif>

2009-05-03 [The Dark Wolf]: wow.. I'm lost too so your not alone...

2009-05-03 [Flisky]: *blink blink* I think I got lost somewhere in the conversation...

2009-05-03 [The Dark Wolf]: who hasnt... lol

2009-05-04 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: i didn't :p
and yeah @yoruchi who doesnt want magical milk

2009-05-05 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Hey! Let's cross them with the Milka cow!
Magical CHOCOLATE milk!

2009-05-05 [kay-chan]: O___O Yes. Do it. NOW.

2009-05-06 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: lol and yay i orderd stuff from thinkgeek hello overseas delivery XD

2009-05-07 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::bamfs a male unicorn and THE milka cow in the room::
Now... do we wait for them to be in heat, or does one of you do something?

2009-05-08 [kay-chan]: Jino's gonna have to get naked and dance for them to get them in the mood. Oh! Or! *puts on 'Let's Get It On'* And now we wait. >:3

2009-05-08 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ...? No. I BROUGHT THEM HERE.
So now it's someone else's turn.
[kay-chan], hon, why not YOU do it?

2009-05-08 [kay-chan]: Fine. *unsnaps bra* But if this ends in a couple of shattered pelvis and fires made through the friction of furious humping, AGAIN, I am not responsible.

2009-05-10 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::smiles and grabs a glass of whine:: I'm waiting to see it all go down. :D ::lights a cigarette::

2009-05-10 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: already a sigarette and thinking it was for after the act XD

2009-05-12 [kay-chan]: *throws bra into her crowd of... two and slides around pole* I have totally forgotten why I'm doing this. Amras, you obvious have never been to one of my shows. Cigs are good for all parts of this.

2009-05-12 [Flisky]: *wanders in and watches Kay strip for a moment before laughing and joining her* Is this a one girl show?

2009-05-12 [kay-chan]: HELL NO. :D *happy* We'll have to... share the pole though... *purrrr*

2009-05-12 [Flisky]: *quickly takes off pants and shirt and wraps around Kay and the pole* So, why the strip show?

2009-05-12 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: We're trying to arouse a unicorn and the milka cow, so we can have magical chocolate milk.
Also, because I utterly enjoy it. ... Hm... ::decides to go press play on the stereo::

2009-05-12 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Now then... I like. Go on! :)

2009-05-12 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: ow yeah the cow and uniborn i forgo.....

2009-05-12 [kay-chan]: *rubs on Flisk, slides down pole* Also cuz it's fun. I think we're already distracting Amras from typing.

2009-05-12 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: no not you but the new dlc for fable 2 XD

2009-05-12 [Flisky]: *sways hips while swinging on pole* Hmm...I'm in it for the fun.

2009-05-12 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: fun is good :D

2009-05-12 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: I'm getting distracted.
And i'm not even certain what you two look like.
::sighs:: The "MAGIC" of internet, eh?

2009-05-12 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: yeah bringing people closes without seeing them. hooray

2009-05-13 [Flisky]: *stops and turns* Hey, I have pictures posted. *sticks out tongue*

2009-05-13 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::sticks his out as well::
Shush! I wanted to see if you'd remember!
Now gat back to nude dancing and playing with your partner! :)

2009-05-13 [kay-chan]: *drapes on Flisk* I'm in it for the slight exhibitionism thrill. Heh, I have SUPER-TOP-SEKRIT pics. But you guys know about my tat! Or you will. *shimmies down pole*

2009-05-13 [Flisky]: *wraps leg around Kay and uses her instead of pole* Exhibitionist? So am I!

2009-05-14 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::takes out some popcorn, and watches and listens in a seemingly entertained manner::

2009-05-22 [kay-chan]: Purrrr. *dips down low* Shake it, oh yeah.

I'm back from Scotland. :( It is hot here. Unhappiness.

2009-05-28 [The Dark Wolf]: meow.........

2009-05-28 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: :)

2009-05-29 [kay-chan]: *looks around* Um, I think we lost a milk cow and a unicorn... I think they wondered off while Flisk and I were being distracting...

2009-05-29 [Flisky]: *giggles* Not my fault!

2009-05-30 [Aliz]: My fault. I ate the unicorn >:3

2009-05-30 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: here's another *holds small unicorn in hand*

2009-05-30 [Aliz]: *chomp*

2009-05-31 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: don't eat endangered species thankyou *gets another one out a bag full of unicorns*

2009-06-01 [kay-chan]: Heh. Bag Full of Unicorns would be a funny album name. WHO WANTS TO BE IN A BAND WITH ME. I wanna make a punk band that covers Disney songs.

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